Understanding a silent ailment – HeartBurn

Heart Burn and Heart Attack

People the world over experience heartburn at some point in their lives. In India, however, heartburn is a common condition in the urban centres of the country, owing to our penchant for spicy food, erratic diet and lack of exercise. However, some causes of heartburn may be genetic.

It is a myth that heartburn is an ailment related to the heart. It is a burning sensation experienced in the chest region after stomach acids flow up into the food pipe. It may happen occasionally to some people, especially if the lining of their stomach is weakened owing to an illness, but heartburn happens to some people every day. It is commonly referred to as acidity, and certain foods can trigger it.

However, the symptoms of heartburn and heart attack are quite similar; this fools people suffering from a heart attack from acting quickly. Most people experience heaviness and burning in the chest in the first stages of heart attack, and they head to their GP for acidity drugs. A smart and alert doctor can quickly see the signs of a heart attack and get the person admitted at once. However, it is often too late for most people; the initial symptoms soon give rise to other more serious signs like acute chest pain and breathlessness.

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